Wingham Brush Public School

Respect, responsibility and resilience

Telephone02 6553 4443

Stewart House Charity Drive

Stewart House Charity Envelope Drive 2025

Thank you for supporting Stewart House in the annual Charity Drive!

Envelopes due to be returned to school office on Monday 12th May 2025 to be eligible to be in the draw.

NO ENVELOPE, NO ENTRY: We require your envelope for the draw, so please include your online payment receipt/order number as proof of payment and promptly return the envelope to your school well in advance of the draw on Friday, 23rd May 2025.

Our charity envelope drive has been running since the 1970s and has helped support the 1,600 vulnerable children we care for every year. People regularly share fond memories of the envelopes circulating in their school. We thank you for being part of this long-standing tradition in NSW public schools. Your contribution gives at-risk children in NSW and ACT public schools a 12-day stay and break from their challenging circumstances.

With your support, we can continue offering this vital service free of charge, giving thousands of children hope and aspirations for a brighter future.

Thank you, remember to write down your payments receipt number and return the envelope to your school office. Good luck in the draw—your support truly makes a difference!